Friday, July 31, 2009

Michael Jackson's Autopsy further delayed

The final autopsy results in Michael Jackson's death has been delayed indefinitely, the Los Angeles County coroner has said.

The announcement has come amid reports that police investigators are trying to determine the interplay between the pop star's personal physician Dr Conrad Murray and other medical professionals who treated Jackson in final months leading up to his death, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Assistant chief Ed Winter of the coroner's office said that he could not say when the cause of death would be announced.

The law enforcement officials had earlier said the toxicology results, which are expected to make clear what killed Jackson, would be made public next week.

Shit! - Australian Pm was once a toilet cleaner

Recalling his worst job experience, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said on Friday that he cleaned toilets and scrubbed floors on his way to country's top political job.

In a pep-talk to Australians hit by the global recession, Rudd said he once worked as a toilet cleaner at a sawmill and scrubbed tv political journalist Laurie Oakes' floors, Sydney Morning Herald reported.

"There's a few realities out there," Rudd said.

"There's a global recession under way, collapsing economies around the world. Therefore let's just adjust to it flexibly and that might mean right now you don't have a job that's your heart's desire; maybe it's a stepping stone to something else.

"And if it's good enough for the Prime Minister - it should be good enough for generation Y," Rudd said.

He told of his worst job experience today in support of employment Participation Minister Mark Arbib's call on generation Y not to be too fussy about their first jobs.

He revealed that the jobs that paid his way after he left school included flipping hamburgers, working on hospital wards as well as in a supermarket and pulling beers in a pub.

"What was the most difficult one? The job I once had as a cleaner at a sawmill, cleaning the loos," he told a radio channel.

In an interview with former ABC journalist Maxine McKew in 2007, it was revealed that one of the young Rudd's jobs included scrubbing Laurie Oakes' floors.

Firefox crosses 1 billion downloads today

Firefox has been nipping at Microsoft Internet Explorer's heels since 2004, and today the browser is passing a milestone: One billion copies will have been downloaded. That's in total, across all the versions made.
Firefox has a growing fan base, and recently took an increased share of the browser market around the world. It's now how 31% of Web pages are served to the public, versus 60% via IE. Google's Chrome, soon to be the basis of a whole OS, has less than a 5% share, as does Apple's Safari--echoing the smaller share of the PC market owned by Apple.

iPhone rejects Google Voice App

In recent days, public opinion in Russia break china possible bans VoIP-telephony, in particular, the press actively circulated information that the Skype application to be outlawed. Very symbolic and another story, concerning IP-telephony. So, these days Apple has actively removed from the AppStore all applications that utilize Google Voice. Moreover, it was removed, and the formal application of Google!

The wording of the standard - "duplicate features that come with the iPhone", that is supposedly the program duplicates the functions that are already inherently there in the iPhone. Representatives of the search giant had expressed regret and said that will continue to work on applications for the owners of iPhone, including those who will work directly in the browser without requiring installation.

Surely this is not the latest example of how mobile operators (in this case, you can suspect that for all these is a partner Apple - AT & T) are trying all possible ways to insert a stick in the wheels of the creators of VoIP-applications.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

SCHUMI is back!!!

Ferrari announced on Wednesday that they plan to draft in Michael Schumacher to replace the injured Felipe Massa at forthcoming Grands Prix, until the Brazilian is able to race again.

The seven-times world champion, who retired from Formula One racing at the end of 2006, will undergo a special training programme over the next few days to confirm he is fit enough to compete in next month’s European Grand Prix.

"The most important thing first: thank God, all news concerning Felipe is positive,” said Schumacher. “I wish him all the best again. I was meeting this afternoon with (Ferrari team principal) Stefano Domenicali and (chairman) Luca di Montezemolo and together we decided that I will prepare myself to take the place of Felipe.

“Though it is true that the Formula One chapter has been completely closed for me for a long time, it is also true that for reasons of loyalty to the team I cannot ignore this unfortunate situation. But as the competitor I am I also very much look forward to facing this.”

Schumacher has not driven Ferrari’s current F60 in anger and last tested for the Italian team, with whom he won five world titles, back in April 2008.

Microsoft + Yahoo > Google

Microsoft's chief exec warns Google will try to block the search deal between the companies, and also that some layoffs will ensue.

Now the search deal between Microsoft and Yahoo has been signed, the fallout begins.

In a conference call that also featured Yahoo head Carol Bartz, Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer warned that Google is likely to try and block the partnership as the deal is scrutinized by lawmakers. He said:

"We suspect we will face opposition from the competitor [Google]. The case of us coming together will provide more competition, not less. [However] we expect our competitor to be aggressive."

The companies plan on filing the deal document next week with anti-trust authorities in both the US, EU, and elsewhere, next week, with the aim of being able to close the deal early in 2010.

The plan would see Yahoo’s search appearing “as powered by Bing” some three to six months after the deal closure, with total global integration in about two years.

While some Yahoo search employees would move to Microsoft, and others to Yahoo’s display ad division, there would be layoffs, Bartz warned, which would likely occur over the next two-and-a-half years.

A Google spokesman responded:

"There has traditionally been a lot of competition online, and our experience is that competition brings about great things for users. We're interested to learn more about the deal."

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yahoo and Microsoft deal done

Yahoo and Microsoft have announced a long-rumoured internet search deal that will help the two companies take on chief rival Google.

Microsoft's Bing search engine will power the Yahoo website and Yahoo will in turn become the advertising sales team for Microsoft's online offering.

Yahoo has been struggling to make profits in recent years.

But last year it rebuffed several takeover bids from Microsoft in an attempt to go it alone.

Yahoo said the deal would benefit Yahoo's users and advertisers.

"This agreement comes with boatloads of value for Yahoo, our users, and the industry. And I believe it establishes the foundation for a new era of internet innovation and development," said Ms Bartz.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Michael Jackson's doctor killed MJ?

Dr. Conrad Murray gave the late Michael Jackson the powerful drug that authorities believe killed him, claims a new report.

The Associated Press, citing an unnamed official, reports that Dr. Conrad Murray allegedly gave Jackson the anesthetic propofol on the night before his death.

A lawyer for Dr. Murray tells the AP that he did not prescribe or administer anything that should have killed the King of Pop. In response to the AP report, attorney Ed Chernoff tells "The Insider," "It's a waste of time responding to all these timed 'leaks' from 'anonymous' sources. I feel like a horse swatting flies. Everyone needs to take a breath and wait for these long delayed toxicology results. I have no doubt they want to make a case -- for goodness sakes, its Michael Jackson! But things tend to shake out when all the facts are made known, and I'm sure that will happen here as well."

Sarkozy fine now

The work-alcoholic French president Nicolas Sarkozy collapsed while jogging - raising the spectre of a slowdown in a French government machine that revolves entirely around him.

Mr Sarkozy has been told to eat more and reduce his frenetic work rate after doctors said exhaustion contributed to his collapse on Sunday.

While doctors insisted Mr Sarkozy had received a clean bill of health, a spokesman for the President's party said the collapse represented a "cardiac alert". An official statement said the collapse had been caused by a bout of dizziness sparked by a 45-minute run in hot weather "in a context of tiredness linked to a heavy workload".

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bing - The new search engine

Bing, the recent addition From Microsoft is really a handful. A very clean looking search engine with a new image quite refreshing. Other advantage is that whenever one moves the cursor over the indexed pages a small box shows up, displaying a brief introduction about the page along with other important links of that specific page.

Another important aspect, that caught my eye is that Bing shows the related searches on the right hand side of the search page, unlike google which shows the related searches in the bottom of the search page--thus in Bing you don't have to scroll downward for the related searches.

A more likely explanation is that Google represents the vast bulk of the traffic, 83 percent to be exact. Bing only represents 8 percent. There is a law of large numbers at work here. The more traffic that comes from any one source (i.e., Google), the lower the clickthrough rate is likely to trend. If the market share was reversed, Bing would undoubtedly have a lower clickthrough rate.

Table sized computer - Apple Tablet

The rumors keep on coming in and this time, the Financial Times has 'confirmed' that the new Apple Tablet already in development will be released in September, just in time for the yearly September iPod announcements that Apple makes every year.

The device which was once thought to have a 9-inch screen could now possibly have up to a 10-inch viewable touchscreen.According to the FT "The device could be launched alongside the new content deals, including those aimed at stimulating sales of CD-length music, according to people briefed on the project". Many techies guess it would cost around $699 - $799.

Tour de France - Alberto Contador from Spain comes first

The 2009 winner for Tour de France bicycle race is Alberto Contador from Spain. This is Contador's second timing winning the race. The first time he won the first place for the Tour de France was in 2007.

Contador also won the 2008 Giro d'Italia, Vuelta a España race. He is the fifth bicycle racer so far to win all three Grand Tour road cycling races. He is the first Spaniard to accomplish winning all three road races.

Contador previously had allegations of doping and was again accused of this by media during this year's race by Le Monde newspaper, accusing him of doping because of his record setting climb up the Verbier in the history of the Tour. A physiologist disputed the columnist accusations stating that it could be possible to achieve this despite the lowered oxygen levels.

Low budget BlackBerry - BlackBerry curve 8520

RIM has announced the BlackBerry Curve 8520, aimed at first-time smartphone buyers. In most respects it's fairly similar to previous curve models, but it does sport a completely redesigned navigation mechanism.

Instead of the trackball featured on many BlackBerry devices, the Curve 8520 has a trackpad, "like a laptop" says RIM. It uses optical technology to work out what's going on, and pushing it down will perform the same function as clicking the trackball used to.

There's also a gaggle of multimedia buttons on the top of the device, for controlling music playback, along with what RIM claims to be 17 days of standby battery life. Of course, you'll get nowhere near that, because of the handset's "always-on" connection to the net, but it should last at least a day or two, we'd imagine.

  • Quad-band EDGE/GPRS/GSM support
  • 802.11g Wi-Fi with support for T-Mobile’s UMA, or unlimited hotspot calls
  • 256MB of RAM plus a 1GB microSD card included; support for up to 32GB of expanded storage
  • GPS, Bluetooth and a new 512MHz CPU
  • 2 megapixel camera with video recording capability
  • Cost $130

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sarkozy falls ill

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been taken to hospital for medical tests after complaining he felt unwell while exercising.

Mr Sarkozy "felt faint" while doing sports and his personal doctor immediately took charge of him, according to a statement from the Elysee Palace.

France 2 television said Mr Sarkozy, 54, was hospitalised after his morning jogging session.

Mr Sarkozy, who was elected in 2007, is regularly seen running and is a cycling enthusiast.

He last underwent a medical examination July 3, when his cardiovascular and blood tests were normal.

His first medical bulletin, issued shortly after his 2007 election, said Mr Sarkozy's health was "good" and compatible with his presidential duties.

World's Best mileage gas car - Toyota Prius

SPECS: 48 City/45 Hwy, Base Price: $21,100. 1.5-liter, 16-Valve VVT-i 4-Cylinder engine with 110 hp, 0-60 in 9.8 secs.
The most fuel efficient car on the market is the Toyota Prius, also the most demanding car in the U.S. Most dealers will charge you an extra $2000 for this car because it is rare and Toyota just doesn’t make enough of it yet. A small sedan, but roomy enough for 5 and it is perfect for those that drive over 100 miles a day to work.

The most expensive Bike of the world - MV Agusta F4 CC

The fourth most expensive motorcycle we found is the new MV Agusta F4 CC created by Claudio Castiglioni, the motorcycle company’s director. He wanted to create a spectacular motorcycle that met strategic marketing needs while also being something truly special and unique. The expensive motorcycle bearing his very own initials “CC” has a top speed of 315 kph (195 mph), 1078 cc’s and a 198 hp engine. Each bike will boast a platinum plate located near the top of the steering column showing the model number from 1 to 100, making this motorcycle all the more special to its owners. This Italian dream costs 100,000 Euros ($133,745US).

Apple iPod Nano - Reviews

Pros: A massive upgrade to Apple’s smallest-screened media player, adding very good video- and game-playing capabilities to the previously music- and photo-only, popular iPod nano. Achieves better than promised battery performance, as well as nearly equivalent video and audio performance to the iPod classic, making better use of its smaller components. Though shape is different, and screen is bigger and more detailed, volume is not dramatically increased over prior nanos. Available in six colors and two storage capacities at very reasonable prices.

Cons: Screen and flash memory sizes aren’t ideal for video. Prior iPod Games, and iPod video accessories, are generally not compatible with this model. Mirror-finished rear casing returns, ready to scratch and smudge.

Acer TravelMate 8200

The Acer TravelMate 8200 is one of the first Intel Core Duo laptops out of the gate. In addition to its bleeding-edge Core Duo processor, the midsize portable features a great case design and top-of-the-line components, such as a 256MB ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 graphics chip, a mammoth 120GB hard drive, and a double-layer DVD burner. Though this sweet system delivers on the Core Duo's promise of extremely fast multimedia performance, its performance gain was less pronounced on our productivity benchmarks, making its $2,499 price too expensive for users who just want fast performance for office work. Still, the TravelMate 8200 is worth the price premium if you're looking for a well-outfitted laptop for graphic design, video editing, or heavy-duty multitasking.

Michael Jackson's nose missing

Michael Jackson’s nose was missing as he lay in the morgue awaiting an autopsy.

According to witnesses, Jackson, who was rumored to have several prosthetic noses, only had “bits of cartilage surrounding a small dark hole” where his nose should have been.

Over the years there have been numerous reports of Jackson’s prosthetic nose falling off during performances, and most recently during the CBS special “Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration,” which aired in 2001, however, the rumors have never been substantiated.

Adrian McManus claims that MJ's nose is missing after his death.

Most expensive Mobile in the world

The Goldvish “Le million” is officially the most expensive mobile phone in the world, according the Guiness Books of Records. The “Le million” is a one off, featuring a blinding 120 carats worth of VVS-1 grade diamonds, according to designer Emmanuel Gueit. If $1 million is out of your price range. The Geneva-based Goldvish also offer several other diamond-encrusted 18k gold models in customer choice of rose, yellow, or white, starting at a much more reasonable $25,600 (£13,837).

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Worker committed suicide over missing iPhone

Chinese worker Sun Danyong was responsible for handling the prototypes of one of the world's hottest products — the iPhone. When one of the gadgets went missing and his company began investigating him, he jumped off his apartment building and killed himself.
The death — which involves allegations that security guards roughed up the worker — prompted Apple Inc. on Wednesday to issue a terse statement, insisting that all the company's contractors must treat workers with respect and dignity.

The most expensive Car of the world - Bugatti Veyron 16.4

With its incredibly powerful engine, acceleration times and price, Veyron isn't just most expensive, but also most fascinating car in terms of performance and luxury. With its notorious production delays finally over, Bugatti's superstar Veyron is now already for sale in Europe and the company is working hard to bring it to the U.S. market. It is made in France. It uses a 16-cylinder, 1001 HP engine which makes Bugatti Veyron 16.4 to cost around $1,192,060.

Acer Aspire One

Acer managed to strike gold in the middle of a global economic crisis thanks to their affordable Acer Aspire One netbooks. These low-cost, ultraportable laptops have quickly become popular travel companions for people who don't want to haul a heavy notebook to Starbucks. The latest 10-inch Acer Aspire One, the D250 series, offers a great balance of features at a starting price of less than $300. Read on to find out more about the Acer Aspire One D250-1165. It is given One year warranty and mrp in India is at around $300. Provides 54g Wi-Fi too.
  • Low Price
  • Nice build quality
  • Easy access for upgrades
  • Poor battery life
  • Small keyboard
  • Bad touchpad buttons

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nokia 6600i

The Nokia 6600i has all the features of its predecessor. The 2.2-inches TFT display, 3G support, Bluetooth, microSD card slot and FM radio are all here. There is also an accelerometer for tap commands for basic managing of calls and alerts. The retail box as usual includes a 1GB memory card.

The only difference which comes with 6600i is the 5 megapixel camera sensor instead of the 3.2 MP previous one. The video recording and the flash however have stayed unchanged - VGA@15fps and a dual-LED unit.

The manufacturer, Nokia, claims the 6600i is the smallest 5MP slider in the world. Its body, like the 6600, is metallic, this time with the oh-so-trendy brushed metal look. We liked the Nokia 6600 slide, we think we dig the successor as well.

Windows 7 - Ur PC simplified

Windows 7 will be available on October 22. It includes tons of little refinements—and a few big ones. Everyday computing is faster, simpler, easier and much more user friendly than Vista.
Windows 7 makes the basics easier than ever. With HomeGroup, it’s simple to share music, documents, printers, and everything else with the other PCs running Windows 7 in your house. Window Search frees you from the chore of hunting through folders and subfolders to locate your stuff. Better taskbar previews give you a great view of what's open, and Jumplists show you recent files with a single right-click.
Key features will be published in next post. Please continue my blog,.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Indian Moon misiion Chandrayan in trouble

The Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO worried due to a recent development and are worried that the Prestigious Chandrayan Project may face deep trouble as it approaches the Moon.A key component, which helps guide it, has malfunctioned. It developed a technical malfunction and came close to failure but space scientists salvaged the Rs 400 crore satellite which is now operational though crippled.
Space scientists got over the star sensor failure within a week by activating the satellite's gyroscope and put the spacecraft back into normal operation, Indian Space Research Organisation Chairman G Madhavan Nair said.
Nair however said more than 90 per cent of the scientific and mission objectives had already been achieved, and dismissed suggestions that the sensor failure might reduce the lifespan of the spacecraft.

Asia fallen in darkness today

The longest solar eclipse of the century was witnessed by several peoples across Asia and Asia-Pacific for several minutes on july 22.
The total eclipse started in India on Wednesday morning and moved eastward across Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Vietnam, China and parts of the Pacific. Millions cast their eyes towards the heavens to catch a rare view of the sun's corona.Total eclipses occur about twice a year as the moon passes between the Earth and the sun on the same plane as Earth's orbit. But this one is certailnly a rare one being the longest solar eclipse of the century.
In India, an eclipse is considered inauspicious. Women forbid pregnant daughters-in-law from going outside out of the belief that their children could be born with marks.In Chinese tradition, there is a story about a heavenly dog eating the sun. As the story goes, people would make noise to scare off the dog and rescue the sun, said Bill Yeung, president of the Hong Kong Astronomical Society.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

US tsunami threat

The threat of a devastating tsunami hitting the U.S. West Coast might be higher than previously thought, scientists say, based on a new study of earthquake faults off the coast of Alaska.

Tsunamis are often triggered by earthquakes, as was the case with the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which was sparked by the 9.3-magnitude Sumatra-Andaman subduction quake in the same ocean. The tsunami killed nearly a quarter of a million people across Indonesia, Srilanka, India, Thailand and other South-East Asian countries. Millions displaced.

The new research suggests that future tsunamis could reach a scale far beyond the devastation caused by 1964 tsunami generated by the great 9.2-magnitude Alaskan earthquake — "the most devastating seismic sea wave to impact the northwestern coast of the U.S. in historical time," said study team member Ron Bruhn, a geologist at the University of Utah.

Asia wtnesses longest eclipse of the century

At a place called TAREGNA at the Indian province of Bihar - Hordes of scientists, students and nature enthusiasts prepared Tuesday for the longest total solar eclipse of this century, while millions planned to shutter themselves indoors, giving in to superstitious myths about the phenomenon.

Full solar eclipses occur when the moon's disk blots out the sun completely, due to a precise lineup of the sun, moon and Earth. The eclipse's partial phase can be seen over a wider swath of Earth, extending from the Russian Far East to Australia's northern tip.

The total eclipse will first be sighted at dawn Wednesday in India's Gulf of Khambhat, just north of the metropolis of Mumbai, before being seen in a broad swath moving north and east to Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan and China. From there, the track of totality moves across Japan's southern islands and the South Pacific

July 20 , 2009 marks the 40th anniversary of moon landing

40 years ago, July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to land on the moon, making the U.S. last to start but first to finish in the 'space race' with USSR. Armstrong's now famous words, "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," inspired a generation of scientists.

The new R&D enterprise it fostered, built to support America's geopolitical ambitions and based largely on federally-funded contracts and specifications rather than the private funding that had been the primary source of basic research before World War II, has had a remarkable effect on science and how advancements are made.

UK airlines turn back swine flu patients

As the number of people infected with H1N1 is mounting up the British Airways and Virgin Altantic are taking no chances. These major airlines put check-up centres at the boarding point and measures were taken to stop people with swine flu from boarding flights.

Monday, July 20, 2009

MJ's Final Movie Close to Deal

Last week alone four studios bidded for Michael Jackson's final footage. Sony "has all but closed the deal," which is valued at more than 50 million dollars, according to "The Wrap" (That would make it the highest price ever paid for source material for a documentary.) Fox and Universal were also reportedly involved in the "pitched bidding war." The high-definition footage includes a full concert rehearsal "taped on the night before he died," production meetings, and auditions. The deal would also include several videos intended to be shown during breaks in the concert; at least two were shot in 3-D.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - My Review

I was disappointed in the fact that they didn't spend enough time on why the movie is called THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE. They didn't show how obsessed Harry became with the book, nor did they show how Snape became suspicious of him having the book, or the true identity behind the book. Snape may have been the Half-Blood Prince but the movie didn't reveal why or how, or the fact that the book belonged to his mother 50 years prior, and the fact that Snape is "half-blood" and no one expected that. The movie just very flatly announced at the end that Snape was the Half-Blood Prince, period - the end.

Solar eclipse of July 22, 2009

The solar eclipse that will occur on July 22, 2009 will be a total eclipse of the Sun with a magnitude of 1.080 that will be visible from a narrow corridor through south Asian regions such as northern India, eastern Nepal, northern Bangladesh, Bhutan, the northern tip of Myanmar, central China and the Pacific Ocean, including the Ryukyu Islands, Marshall Islands and Kiribati. This event created many tourist spots across China, India and other south east asian countries. Totality will be visible in many large cities, including Surat, Vadodara, Bhopal, Varanasi, Patna, Dinajpur, Chengdu, Nanchong, Chongqing, Yichang, Jingzhou, Wuhan, Huanggang, Hefei, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Huzhou, Suzhou, Jiaxing, Ningbo and Shanghai, as well as over the Three Gorges Dam. A partial eclipse will be seen from the much broader path of the Moon's penumbra, including most of South East Asia (all of India and China) and north-eastern Oceania. The eclipse is part of series 136 in the Saros cycle, like the record setting Solar eclipse of July 11, 1991.

This is second in the series of three eclipses in a month. There was a lunar eclipse on July 7 and now a solar eclipse on July 22 and then a lunar eclipse on August 6.

This solar eclipse is the longest total solar eclipse that will occur in the twenty-first century, and will not disappear until June 13, 2132. Totality will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds, with the maximum eclipse occurring in the ocean at 02:35:21 UTC about 100 km south of the Bonin Islands, southeast of Japan. The North Iwo Jima island is the landmass with totality time closest to maximum.

Anti - Becckham protests

Soccer star David Beckham received an ugly reception in his first home game back with the Los Angeles Galaxy.

Anti-Beckham sentiment ran high as the English star returned after he missed half of the Major League Soccer season while he left for AC Milan. He was clearly angered by the frequent booing and derisive banners held up in a corner of the stadium where one of the team's fan groups sits.

"I'm not disappointed. It doesn't affect me," he said. "You can't be liked by everyone."

The homemade signs all had messages directed at Beckham. "Go home fraud" read one, with a red slash through his No. 23 jersey number. Another said, "23: Repent," while another read, "Hey Becks, Here Before You, Here After You, Here Despite You." Another read, "Is evil something u are...or something u do."

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sania Mirza - Mohd Sohrab Mirza engagement photos

India's sexy tennis player sania gets engaged on 10th July 2009.There are no photos of Sania Mirza engagement is available on the net as no media persons were allowed in the hall where Sania Mirza engagement took place as they want this ceremony to be a private one.
Sania Mirza's engagement news may be a heart braken for Sania Mirza lovers all over the world. It is also a sad news for tennis lovers, but do not worry, Sania Mirza will not be retiring from the Tennis competition too early.
Here are some of the Sania Mirza and Sohrab Mirza engagement photos.

Air- France Collision Photos

Emailed photos purportedly taken inside the passenger cabin of Air France Flight 447 moments before it broke up over the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, 2009

Last month a B737 had a mid air collision with a Embraer Legacy while cruising at 35,000 feet over South America. The Embraer Legacy, though seriously damaged, with the winglet ripped off, managed to make a landing at a nearby airstrip in the midst of the Amazon jungle. The crew and passengers of the Embraer Legacy had no idea what they had hit. The B737, however, crashed killing all crew and passengers on board.

The two photos attached above were apparently taken by one of the passengers in the B737, after the collision and before the aircraft crashed. The photos were retrieved from the camera's memory stick. You will never get to see photos like this. In the first photo there is a gaping hole in the fuselage through which you can see the tailplane and vertical fin of the aircraft. In the second photo one of the passengers is being sucked out of the gaping hole.

Free Ericcson Laptops

If you tend to get a mail like the following one please dont beleive that.Ericsson is distributing free laptops for their brand promotion. They hope to increase their popularity and sale by this campaign. All you need to do is send an email about this promotion to 8 people and you will receive an Ericsson T18 Laptop.

"Fwd: FREE Laptops!...

The Ericsson Company is distributing free computer Lap-tops in an attempt to match Nokia that has already done so.

Ericsson hopes to increase its popularity this way. For this reason, they are giving away the new WAP laptops. All you need to do to qualify is to send this mail to 8 people you know. Within 2 weeks, you will receive Ericsson T18. But if you can send it to 20 people or more, you will receive Ericsson R320.

Make sure to send a copy to: "

These types of mails are completely untrue and sony ericcson released the following statement clarifying their stance.

"Hoax Competition Email

Sony Ericsson has been made aware of an online email campaign claiming that Ericsson will give away a free laptop computer to users who forward the promotional information. The same campaign includes a photograph of the Sony Ericsson logo and mentions an Ericsson contact name and email number.

Sony Ericsson confirms that this email campaign is a hoax. In addition, Sony Ericsson confirms that the Ericsson contact name does not exist.

All competitions and promotions involving Sony Ericsson are run through official channels such as Sony Ericsson’s website or Sony Ericsson’s partners’ websites. Please be wary of any competition or promotion that appears to come from outside of Sony Ericsson or Sony Ericsson’s partners official channels. Examples of these include via spam emails or SMS.

Please do not reply to or forward the email if you receive it."

So if you get these type of mails move it to recycle bin.

Good news for Man U fans

Manchester United Football Club, one of the world’s richest sports clubs with star players such as Wayne Rooney and Michael Owen, will launch its very first Manchester United Restaurant & Bar in Mumbai this Diwali. The opening would add the club’s name to a list of brands such as Disney, Nickelodeon, ESPN that have put down physical roots as a way of communicating with consumers, audiences and fans.

They also hope to launch another restaurant in south Mumbai early next year and push the number up to 10 restaurants and bars across major metro cities in India, within the next two to three years, with an average investment of $1 million per site. The football club, however, is still not present in India, barring an association with sponsor Bharti Airtel Ltd for the club and an association with the All India Football Federation to spot young talent in Mumbai.

The maiden 100-150 seater restaurant will be spread across 5,000 sq ft at the Nirmal Lifestyle Mall in Mulund, a central suburb of Mumbai. The idea is to re-create the entire stadium experience for visitors and help them experience the brand, a strategy that many brands are adopting to convey their brand messages and strike a connect that a 30-second commercial can rarely deliver. The restaurant will have a wall of fame, the skybox, a dugout area and giant projector screens to telecast soccer matches and other major sporting events.

The menu will comprise Old Trafford specialties such as Fish and Chips, as well as dishes that are customized to appeal to the Indian palate. It will also be the first official outlet for fans to buy a range of Manchester United merchandise, which accounts for up to 10% of revenues at their cafes and restaurants, internationally.

As one of the most popular teams of the English Premier League, Manchester United has for the last few years been pursuing newer markets fairly aggressively, especially those in East Asia, to expand their fan base as well as retain their position as market leaders.

Cell Phone Guns

Most of us see airport security as a pain.. Some of us even feel violated.. When you see the below pictures, you'll understand why they want our cell phones through the x-ray machine. If you get asked to test your cell phone at the airport, this is the reason. Cell phone guns have arrived.
Cell phone gun loaded and ready to fireFiring the mobile phone gunOpening the chamber of the cell phone gun
AND they are real.

Beneath the digital phone face is a .22 caliber handgun capable of firing four rounds in rapid succession using the standard telephone keypad. European law enforcement officials are stunned by the discovery of these deadly decoys. They say phone guns are changing the rules of engagement in Europe . Only when you have one in your hand do you realize that they are heavier than a regular cell phone.

Be patient if security asks to look at your cell phone or turn it on to show that it works. They have a good reason! Wake up to our NEW WORLD!! We shouldn't complain about airport security 'invading your privacy.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Swine Flu Spreading fast

The World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Thursday that the H1N1 pandemic was the fastest-moving pandemic ever and that it was now pointless to count every case. It also added that it has become nearly impossible for health authorities to keep count of individual cases, which have mostly been mild, as the virus spreads.

The new flu strain can be treated by antivirals such as Tamiflu or Relenza , but many patients recover without medical treatment.

So far India has reported over 250 HIN1 positive cases, but fortunately there have been no deaths yet.

The WHO will no longer issue global tables showing the numbers of confirmed cases for all countries which stood at 94,512 cases with 429 deaths as per the last update on 6 July.
WHO recommended that countries should still test a limited number of virus samples weekly to confirm that disease is actually due to the pandemic virus and to monitor any virological changes that may be important for the development of vaccines.

2 more banks bankrupt in USA

US regulators on Friday shut two banks in California and two smaller banks in Georgia and South Dakota, adding to 57 the number of federally insured banks to be bankrupt this year alone.
The two smaller banks were First Piedmont Bank, based in Winder, Ga., which had about 115 million dollar in assets and $109 million in deposits as of July 6 and BankFirst, based in Sioux Falls, S.D., with around $275 million in assets and $254 million in deposits as of April 30.
The largest US bank failure ever also came last year: Seattle-based thrift Washington Mutual Inc. fell in September, with about $307 billion in assets. It was acquired by JPMorgan Chase & Co. for $1.9 billion in a deal brokered by the FDIC.

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